:lock:you mind as well close this mrparkourguy didnt do anything wrong
Glaze, You are one of the kindest and most generous players I know, but what stands out the most when it comes to your character is how fair you...
how many times has pile or any other mod stated they ban the account not the player?
this is a bad idea tons more hackers will join the server knowing the can get unbanned the moment they get banned
will a mod please close this before it escaltes
black when ky asked me to do it i was making obby...
I know that but he asked me to so I did I know I should think before I do
On kitpvp I think it is too op
He had nothing
Diablo he told me to do it...
just to inform you this is in skyblock not prison...
even on skyblock..
im not going to lie im not the smartest but im not the stupidest i admit i get fairly decent grades b's and c's but
no... he just old me to put lava on him so i did.. not really breaking any rules
maby a little
btw the warp the had dennise143 wasnt my skyblock and wasnt my warp so blamming it on me isnt my fault..
yes because he told me to
KYxCIVICxMAFIA told me to so i did as he said and i took a screen of him telling him me to do it and out of the 3 or 4 times ive been banned only...
ive been getting obby the past 4 hours and if you look at my skyblock thing you can see thats what ive been doing
im posting more now