im tired of this something needs to be done he has logged into his main and started disliking my stuff something needs to be done about him this...
I still have a screen shot of you stating you wanted money and you would pay me back
So your saying you scammed me?
And you cant say anything jarroy you still owe me 20k on prison
I would hope we have the same Ip sense we live in the same house and they make this magical thing called skype
Also why not have noobcrew or CypriotMerks look into this
I broke no rules. And saying you can't hate people is a lie
tj hasnt used Account Why would he has tons more tell me Why He Would use mine when he has atleast 10 more?
tj has no access to my account and you just hate him so you take it out on me
Btw ducky is ban evading
who even are you and no im not
tj and I are 2 different people no matter what you say
I have my own server to mess around on to and btw not trying to advertise im just pointing out I'm not tj and I never will be
obviously I do play and I also play other games like conquer2.0 or runescape progamer6 all the way
he posted 1 thing dumb?
happy, to me that was rude i asked a question she could of just answered
see i asked a simple question and she's rude to me? how is that mod worthy sense she also abused it alot
im still waiting for one of the mods to msg me about the whole skype thing
you cant stop people from tp trapping people the only way you could do that is if you got rid of tping
i only lavad ky soooo im done talking about this