i did it because i wasnt thinking at the time i have gotten rid of everything and im about to start making youtube series but i have to do it when...
how am i harrassing people? and im only banned on kitpvp and prison and prison wasnt even my fault
why should i find a new server when i have a 100$ donor rank ? plus there is still tons more i can do
tell me how i was not honest i told them i hacked and i told them i was sorry and i wont do it again and they be rude to me calling me tjenkins...
no its just a question for the people
i understand hacking is not allowed and that what i did was wrong but there are many people(not going to name name's) that have been tons of times...
That is true but many other players have had multiple chances and I get 2 kind of funny aint it
Okay I understand what I did was wrong but I have been 2 times foe hacking and the other 2 weren't right and I camt get unbanned altho there are...
im sorry to inform you but you do not get your stuff back
stop caps all you have to do is email them [email protected] show them the screenshot and they will get to you when they have the time.
i was wondering if you would take my ban appeal into consideration i dont want to lose my plot on prison it has litteraly all my stuff and...
Also if im tj how does tj and I play minigames together. And also why arent you kn ninja get banned again and also stop ban evading
tj may be catibug04 but tj isnt me
lol its funny because im not tj and also im 23 and tj is 15
lol that's not true and people do have lifes unless you dont know what that is
dont lie ninja you will be caught
So your saying lordninja421 is not your account
Brian he has and alt named lordninja421 that he rated abused me on to
That was 4 in a few mins and you have been banned 2times already for rate abusing