oh dear exposed @Jessy call Keemstar... Rip Mineverse
Not coming back until they actually fix the server; there are so many things they could do.
Neutral. Be more active then I'll consider changing this to a support.
No support: Fix grammar mistakes. Either reduce picture sizes or get rid of them, they just make your application look larger Add lots more detail...
Drat, didn't fade enough
I've successfully faded into the shadows and have been forgotten. Success.
OOHHHHHH yea hi :)
I do have Undertale and considered making videos on it, but I feel like that game would take too long to record, I dont want to make hour long videos.
hey :) sadly I dont remember you with your old name, could you please remind me? ;_;
yea it has... im good, u?
When did you find out? ;_;
Sup nerd
They download one at once, just in a line basically
Not up yet, currently prerecording stuff so I don't Rush the editing too much. Probably will be up by like end of August, and will have a few...
Downloading about 3-4 games so I can start recording soon... yay, slow internet speed.
hey :)
Previously, I have made a few youtube channels (best had about 15 subs) and none were very good. I am currently looking for someone (for free) to...