U like... Hate music? Plz tell me u like music :t: O and btw, nice to meet u.
We already talked a bit, but not said hi yet really :confused: Well hey, Nice to meet u. I'm btw :rolleyes: a nature person in general, so we got...
I really like meeting new people dont I? :p Hey Firo, Enjoy your stay on Mineverse, Also right now, I don't see u depressed, u just need to get...
If they removed it, then yes, support... Otherwise get some commandblocks in there, if there's still levels that need to be at night time.
As u can see when u go back to Suggestions, there's another subforum inside of this called Ideas & Suggestions. I would like that this one would...
I do... But they're not meant for that purpose. Let's not get off-topic here :p
Though not every wanna-be-mod will see this, Thanks for the tips. There isn't really a solution for that, I know.
Eehh... Not really agreeing with that... It's just more to make it look nice. It's not like ur shop is cool when u do it, that depends on how the...
Ugh, to fill on my reaction; O_o U seem to be overusing the cookie rating a bit I think.
U are, quote... overly excited. Well, keep going! Plz add more additions, detail and hell. Also houding spots in both hell and heaven... PS: u...
Only on forums atm. If anyone wants to play with me, ask.
Intro to Some-guy-THATS-not-YOU :eek: Ugh, ....ehr nice to meet u :OO The cake is a lie Its a boobytrap :cool: so despite that, ur still a nice...
Mistress_Panda! O that is in-game :( Well Nice to meet u :) I rlly enjoy drawing and anime as well :rolleyes: I do like artistic stuff alot ;)
Nice to meet u Should have something more to say.... Ehm. Hey :cp:
Welcome To The Wide Wide ....wait wat was it... Universe? Solar system? Planet? Earth? The wwoooooorld. Welcome Milo :cat:
Eh... U still here? Ur life isn't over u know?
Hi :)
Hey :) Hope u could tell a bit more about urself (tho u may have on Skyblock.net)
Support... But for Prison I would use Player Vaults...