Don't know u yet :(. Nice to meet u :cat:. O well... The anime is probbably alot 18+ seeing ur music style :cyclops: atleast u like anime I...
;s Any better conclusion on how far it is out from spawn or 0 , 0 ?
Welcome! Nice to meet you Hannah, its good to see that u have some IRL people here ;)
Well... Can't u do it yourself? At the top u should see Thread tools (v) press that and the Edit Title option should appear ;) Was this Useful? :cp:
Minecraft default statistics can be a bit buggy though... We should be looking at how other minigame servers do it. For instance an item in ur...
U should change the title to "My Help Guides" :confused: I'll be working on a basic database until staff picks up on me
Hmmm. Here is the WorldEdit wiki: U will find a refer document for a shorter better overview there too:...
Welcome :) Hope u will be making many more video's for us ;)
I refrain from giving bad ratings (even bad spelling, be thankful ;s)
I know this is maybe not what u mean but, If it's this important to show wvs u are 1. Show in ur profile picture 2. U like, really need to quote...
I prefer just for the btw's [Forum/game] (Map sug.) name And if we re-design sub sug. forum to map forum, u would ofcourse leave away "(map sug.)"
D'uuuuh hey and eeh Welcome to MV Enjoy your stay If u got anything else u like... Colors (probbably brown for u), animals (a sloth or something?...
Like... There has been a * ton of staff applies, there should be some good ones somewhere right? :sorry:
Next time, just remember tagging Cyp in the title really gets me (And some other people, who I ofcourse don't know :rolleyes:) pissed of from...
Just let us know when :cat: it sure can be annoying PS: How do arrows disconnect u? :confused:
Goodbye. And have a Gaben Farewell dude, sadly I've not got to know you :( If u have an introduction on here, would you mind sending me a PM with...
I don't want to get off-topic here, but people are beginning to format their title [Suggestion]Forum/game[Name/Type] :confused: plz don't post...
Nice to meet you... I have a someone who also likes music and plays minecraft, he makes noteblock things and has alot of instrument experience...
tamoul: eeeh... Tamil; one of the longest surviving classical languages in the world. Not like u actually gonna need it much, but its nice to...