السلام عليكم
lol your asking people to answer your mod apply if you do that i can´t support you... and u can´t take me serious ? LOl its true what im saying...
that what i just said whahahaha you don´t have to support those people GRRR srry.
Your asking people to watch your mod apply ... NO SUPPORT
GIZZBOTS LEGIT ohmygod stop please
U forgot to say you have me banned once INCORRECT, and u did know that u just wanted to report me cuz u hate me.... if u was mod and u banned me i...
YOU are really rude NO support
dayum we lost the best moderator of kitpvp
im gonna miss you!!!! best mod evah
wodee why are u playing minecraft https://models.com/register/
Elite-Supreme Skyblock: 100k KitPvP: 10k (+ Stuff if u want something) OP FACTIONS: 25mil OPPVP: 1k for ma friend
Please refund my OP items... or i won't able to play kitpvp more cuz i have 1 op set left... for if i die.. now i have nothing.. i spend like 3k...
Your ingame name: Dsouth The offender's ingame name: BlueCharmander12 (FastSex old in game name) A description of what rule they broke/how they...
OMGF i didnt see that GIZZ the hacker. im gonna report her
Wow again a false report. quit please. he's my nephew, he was new and i was helping him. is there a problem with?
i didn't say u report everyone stop talking blshit
nice badboy u got 125 people banned really nice
GizzBots just stop reporting false, cuz u wil never get moderator with hating people and report them false. CYA