I was playing Infection and FuseMC Egged me 3 times you can see he is holding an egg and in the same time my heart is like 1 percent so yeah.....
yeah he is hacking i dont have anymore evidence/picture
There is a problem on Elite on some server like Infection. I can't do /kittycannon /heal /feed /pet name (what ever) and /help. Please fix this...
Are you talking to me or another person????
Can someone like please believe this its real not laggggggggGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!! SPammmmmmm
Why dont you believe me -_-
That was the edge of the map -_-
Its not lag at ALL ..... Seriously dude... [ATTACH]
I was just playing MC Infected and a guy named ''eko2242'' was fly hacking. It was not a lag though.. He was about to fly further.. [ATTACH]
ok il getanother one
I was just playing MC Infected then this happend .. I have PROOOF! Now[ATTACH]
She did not follow the rules. She just pretended that she egged once but I got egged twice. There are no other p6 there I was p6 but I was'nt a...
I'm the swagger parkour ........
PLEASE! :(((
Can VaMeSa123 Unbann me from Infected or Infection I did not see the new rule about Infection about eggs. Please at least give me a chance! :ah:ah:ah