He Was Swearing while spamming to me ! This is one of worst case happend to me![ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Im not so Sure what is his ingame minecraft name its kinda blury. If you dont think this is real like lag,render lag or something else another...
If this was the lobby it would be more laggy.
Sorry i accidentally filled 3 and 4... XD
1. Your ingame name: GamerProPlayz [Elite] 2. The offender's ingame name: Scorvix [MVP] 3. A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
[ATTACH] The person who did it was : Scorvix. My in game name is : GamerProPlayz [ATTACH]
My lvl in Infection used to be lvl 105 and prestige 6... but after the name change it turt to lvl 0 !!! Please help me Im trapped!
I got banned in infection for no reason it was fine before????!?!?!?
What trills?
ok yay i can do this!!!
Guy uses a zombie pet in Infection to block the button so no one can attack him. Here are some photos..... Name of guy:Toheedprff786...
Please can you please add this into the game of Infection! It would be nice of you if you would :D
just try playing infection for the proof please! help me he is destroying infection!
How to i record i have to post it on utube first thoughh.
And how can i get a perfect capture of him egging. Throwing an egg is like faster than blinking!
Dont you even play infection try playing it to see if he eggs more than 3 times
WTH he is already throwing!!! -_- this is real ! im serious pll say he is egging many times but people werent able to capture him!