u resigned? :(
Can someone join skywars?
Idk what gamemode to play xD
No recording software
There Is atleast 4 hackers on here...
From Xx_DrChicken_xX, 3.5tril :)
Can some mods get on Kit PVP rn? 2+ hackers on ._.
Bought it
https://gyazo.com/2a67ea0580a9f28f4dc0b74daccd74c1 That feels good
Support! I if these are added/changed I would start playing GTA again
Support, this needs to happen to every gamemode
Sorry I wasnt active on both forums and ig, I was at a house with no internet. 2 planes got cancelled due to weather. So I hope to be active
Only Op Prison
No support, Reasons stated
Never met you so I cant tell