I cant connect to mineverse ;-;
Welcome! Enjoy your stay!
Pet human was disabled/broken in 1.8 update, but I am not sure. But with your rank, go to [email protected] ! :)
ty 4 what you have done! ;-; (Sorry im late, better now then never)
13 and 1/2 Idk what to say soooo... how old were you when you first started to walk?
Lol gratz Sheepy
Only now. :) How old were you when you got your first pet?
Umm. Do random things I guess??? :l
I will carry on. 6 How old were you when you first went over seas?
For some reason, when I see @Jhow I always say "SLOTH!!!".. Weird.
Keep hating
Handsome young sloth ;)
I agree with @NoMoreSanity !!! Tacos!
My ign: iiWeasel_ Pvp skill: 6.5/10 Rank: God Time online: 2-5 hours a day Communication: Skype (Will not be able to call :/) Age: 15 Im bad but I...
My IGN: iiWeasel_ Offenders exact ign: FinalHeartbeat How they broke a rule: Deathwish Evidence: https://gyazo.com/565b4e832124f47e52e06ffaa0498a06