May I ask why?
Absolutely no support. Reasons: Your spelling and grammar is atrocious and you have very little experience on this server. You do NOT have enough...
75 % Support. Very detailed application and you seem like a nice guy ;) To achieve my maximum 100% support, I'd suggest fixing grammatical...
Thankyou everyone for support and tips! I have redesigned my application a little and I hope some of you can reconsider supporting :D
I most definitely don't hack. I am truly sorry that you think that
thanks :)
I have fixed some errors in my application and I hope you can come around to supporting :D
thank you <3
Thanks dan :3
Thank you so much, support means a heap
Thanks robis :)
A/N: Hello Mineverse! This is actually my second mod application as on my old one, I had countless comments about updating the template (of...
Looks like a very impressive application. You seem like a nice person and you are quite active. You tend to argue a fair bit though so I am going...
No support. 1. Please add more detail 2. Fix spelling/punctuation errors You seem like a very enthusiastic player, so good luck!
Need you in the lobby asap. Neonenderninja12 has been non stop spamming for 5 minutes
I changed my name :3 Greer_
So I have officially been on the forums for 1 year :)
Support, it's a very nice map
50% it just seems pretty bland
It's a really nice map and i think it will do well Support