Welcome, hello all! I am going to start a factions clan in OP Factions! Hope you guys apply! We will be building our base first, and people who...
Welcome to my application! Hello! :) How old are you? I am 11 years old, grade six, and I will turn 12 next year in March. Your in-game name: My...
[media] Lol look what I did in my MC server! Try to find yourself in the crowd! If you aren't here, give me your IGN! :) Remember to turn your...
Thank you all for helping me! I finally got it! Yay!
This is pretty simple. Just paste what you last copied. My brother was last using my iPad so yeah. Rush of adrenaline!!! I have no idea why he...
[IMG] Are you getting this too? I also tried connecting to TheJerryAndHarry server and it says the same.. Whats happening?
SjamjrjejewoenekdmdkeleWelcomhejekekdnendmdkdjdndndndne to the Almmsksksnebdbighty Emojijxjxjsnenehddnhdjrrjdjdn Clhendneman. Do you want...
Hey Guys :> If you want a drawn picture of your MC character, you have come to the right place :) The Format: Ingame Name: Pose (No items please...
Hello I was in creative with my friend Buntobaga then he dropped a diamond. I was curious about it so i picked it up. I died. So, i couldn't do...
Your ingame name: sooperaya The offender's ingame name: LDM77 A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Having Weepcraft...
I have 63 :D Post yours in the comment section below :)
Hello Noobcrew/CypriotMerks. Can you please Help my friend? His Username is frogbjb. He needs God Rank because He has Admin. He bought it A long...
Welcome to the ~HACKULO~ forum page! Before you fill out The form, read this first: 1: We don't like Hackers 2. Do not make troll applications....
So I was in the lobby and I saw a couple of people talking in chat so I went into the dragon and into the room were you can chat and look: [IMG]...
Hey Noobcrew & CypriotMerks. Can you please fix my permissions? When I do /Me on creative, it says: "You do not have access to this command" and...
I suggest we put spleef into mineverse. If we do, this is a really good map I would like. The map is called Pizza Spleef. There is the link to the...
Hey Guys! :D In this thread, You can get a minecraft picture! You can show your friends, Put it as your profile pic in minecraft forums and...
Hey Noobcrew in creative, I lost all my plots (3 to be specific) please help me and everyone get their plot back thanks -sooperaya
So, I was looking around Minecraftforum.net and I saw this. If you guys have questions about name changes, Dinnerbone has basically answered it...
Hey guys SooperAwesome here! I will be doing how to threads for you guys and this is one of them :) The HOW TO PUT A GIF AS YOUR SIGNATURE! I've...