I'm currently Elite, I could give you my xp for money on kitpvp/oppvp. ;)
Ign: The_Killer_Man23 Offenders Ign: LOXUS Rule Broken: Scammed Note: The O in his name is a zero it wasn't working. There was no prefix choice...
No support. This prevents spam bots as said above, and prevents advertisers.
Ign: The_Killer_Man23 Offenders Ign: MCbOsS88 Rule Broken: Advertising another server.
Ign: The_Killer_Man23 Offenders Ign: fluffround Rule Broken: Scammed me out of $100 Badlerner recently replied to my report and said that...
Ign: The_Killer_Man23 Offenders Ign: fluffround Rule Broken: Scamming
Ign:The_Killer_Man23 Offenders Ign:levi192003 Rule Broken: Bypassing a ban. He clearly stated that he was banned on his main account and came on...
Umm... I never said any of that #DemEditsDoe
Cosmic you put God rank did you mean Titan? (And your welcome for those blocks) :)
Roomy isn't always a good thing... I like the map they have now better than this one.
Yep :)
xD Nice Lookin ;)
Everything is way spaced out there is a lot of extra space where you could add more, I also think this should be bigger. No Support
It did the same thing for me. It becomes invisible in your inventory. So go to the space where it would have been and click the rare crate with...
Np <3
This is normal, it happens to everyone it comes back in like 40 minutes or so.
Support =D
Yes please, that would be great. ;)
It has been fixed thanks for your help. <3
Hey man, could you check the bug/exploits I'm not able to get on mineverse, you'll see why.