Stay strong man don't leave D'=
Hey man that's a little much for just $40 xD Hope you get it.
Your so generous, sad to see you leave man D=
Could you check out my report.
There are more images but it would only let me attach 10 files. How would I insert the rest? (Is there any way I can get my money back D=)
Ign: The_Killer_Man23 Offenders IGN: Armen2014 Rule Broken: Scam
I will buy the 155 offer. I have seen you on I will let you know when we can make the trade.
There's optifine for 1.8 I have been playing with it for about 4 months.
There is an Optifine is out for 1.8 I have had it for about 4 months.
Whenever I try to login to Mineverse I get kicked with this message: internal exception: an established connection was...
Yes, in fact I have even pulled the battery out. I have also switched from the new launcher to the old launcher it still has the same problem.
It is not with all minecraft servers. I have tried other servers and it does not kick me with the message given: internal exception:...
It's cold though :3
I have waited at least 2 hours. I had to contact CypriotMerks last time and the problem was resolved moments later.
Okay. Last time this happened to me I had to wait about an hour but this time it is even worse I have waited about 2 hours :/
I do not think that Ram is the solution to this problem... It is a java error.
Have you been able to resolve the problem? If so what did you do?
People want more than just kitpvp stuff. (Just some advice)
Hey there everyone. I have decided that I should start a shop on kitpvp. I'm willing to make trades for not only kitpvp money. If You want to buy...