xD get to know the economy no deal.
I can give 150k for money on kitpvp. How much do you have on there?
I can do 100k on prison, Seem like a good deal?
I hope no one buys this for you, I dont want you to leave cx
I'd say this would be a good deal to upgrade to MVP. You need to add more money to all servers.
Can I scratch your back? I can also give you a massage.
This is a bad deal.
Yes, this has been fixed for a while now
This was probably because of the 1.8 update. Many people have lost their stuff on every server.
Could you pet mah bunneh?
Tp trapping is not allowed from my experience. I don't know if that has changed.
Bye man. I know you don't h8 me <3
Can I Have a hug from da sheep?
Pile wanna pet mah bunneh?
<--- We Bros Man :) Best Bunny Eva xD
Can we share dat bunny? I'll let you have my pet :)
This happened before they had added 1.8.
This has temporarily been resolved. It may happen again but the thread may be closed.