support in all, also fix shop. Shop way to expensive no one uses it.
No support. Then it wont be rare and everyone will have it and gta will be op and players will get slaughtered easily.
IGN of Recorder: YoungChilo IGN of player being reported: jslodysko Reason player being reported: hacking was using kill aura in game. [MEDIA]
IGN of Recorder: YoungChilo IGN of players being reported: JazzyKillz and MidgetStrqfe Reason Players being Reported: Hacking both walking on top...
IGN of Recorder: YoungChilo IGN of player being reported: YoloGod12 Reason being reported: Trigger bot [MEDIA]
Support we need a thing to help prevent scamming to the fellow players
To everyone who plays factions, Warp PvP isn't set up right players abuse it when pvping they just safezone. The pvp pit had 2 sides were its...
Support should be fixed
Support on all
What's your In game name ?
You are the 2 riches person in factions ? What's your IGN @Idy
Spot should be removed way to op makes the game fustrating when there no way zombies can't kill the humans
Yeah I'm just in the other side aggreing to reset.
It's not just for the people that worked hard to. There people that are to op and rich that they just slaughter everyone and run the server but...
How I'm I being immature. I just don't agree not everything gotta be right for. Everyone has there own opinion
@funmakers good idea or no?
Just some but it will attract more and they won't leave it will give them advantages to become better not in only one server in the rest of...
Fresh start would attract more players to play mineverse because everyone wants to be a op player most players are gonna donate more if it resets...