@PopIs_MyLife @MaxNinja10 @fryzigg @AgentWifi @canucksfan44
hi :) friend
Hey guys thanks feel so welcomed
IGN of Recorder: YoungChilo IGN of player being Reported: Bo_The_Turtle Reason Being reported: Tpa trap people saying he build a pvp arena. But...
oh ok thanks. When do i need to bump? and do u support or not?
Suport in factions and rest. Factions dose neeed a new spawn.
IGN of Recorder: YoungChilo IGN of player being reported: maj0rG18fan Reason Being Reported: In the video part :21 he kills the player and his...
This for people on factions there is a problem with the warp pvp in factions spawn. The way it's set up and claimed don't work. It helps players...
Support mineverse should have this type of game mode
Support. Lots of players don't play survival cause it's hard to find a good spot were its not raided or claims that are pointless
Support but it shouldn't be bannable. The chest and furnace should just not be able to access
IGN of Recorder: YoungChilo IGN of Player being Reported: DarkFaris72 Reason being Reported: He was bothering me so much spamming me on saying...
IGN of recorder: YoungChilo IGN of player being reported:HippProductions Reason player being reported: hacking trigger bot and speed hacks [MEDIA]
IGN of recorder: BAB199 IGN of player being reported: xXPvPKingsJrXx Reason being reported: Anti Kb [MEDIA]