Your ingame name: NationalHam The offender's exact ingame name: Birdmed A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Birdmed has...
Staff, It's taken me a long time, maybe 1 - 2 months to finally process in my mind how to upload screenshots. Anyways, Your ingame name:...
Staff, I joined Creative today and people were spamming in chat "anyone know how to get a Mod!!" I asked what was wrong and they said someone...
Hi, I've been in the need of an upgrade on my account, so I'll put down my offers below. Leave a comment if you can do this deal, or if it's not...
Dear Readers, This report isn't fit for a template, so if a Staff can leave a message for a fit template or if there are none, it'd be helpful....
Hi Reader(s), I am an excellent builder, performed in many large Planet Minecraft and other Minecraft website projects and I'm fixated on...
Hi Staff, I'd like to report player sarah0704 for tp trapping in Creative. Your ingame name: _iHaveEbola (I was not a victim) The offender's...
I am trading all the things listed below for an upgrade from Sponsor to Titan on my alt. 1.) 2 MC Account Codes 2.) 15k-KitPvP, 52 tril-Op...
About Me: This section here will explain about my characteristics in real life, and in game. Let's start off with an easy one. I love playing...
Hi Readers, I'd like to post a template of a help archive I found. It's problems with my username change, Creative is my only problem. Can't...