I want to start playing again but I lost all my stuff due to me changing my name (including my VIP rank and prison rank and kitpvp enderchest /...
ur all EZ!
still me
its not a hack you silly goose.
Or you could be a normal human being and use the macro program in with your mouse and make it a macro???
I brought up autoclicking which just makes you click uber fast. It's considered a macro not a hack. So gtfo noob
make an autoclicker swing randomly pvpwin
Locking & Archiving Mission Complete. wafniwongiaongtioawnfiowantgfioawngiolnieroalgnvbeisdrkolgvnreksodlazngvhxkresxd5rzvne
It's not even offending it's just bucketing its a fawking lego game why bring such large words into it? Btw I disagree with making lava dumping...
"perp" It's minecraft. Not GTA. >.>
It's not vanilla, HCF is revolving around PvP being the one and only way to raid and with TnT that wouldn't be the case.
wtf how is that even hardcore and since when is TnT enabled?
No where near the same thing. If you die one hcf you get death banned. There's King of the hills on hcf. Limited enchants and no God apples and no...
Do you actually play HCF or HCTeams?
except for /f home
[IMG] REKT @Pile_of_Butts
Mods are like in preschool. @CypriotMerks should look into older and farrrr more active staff.