Lol MR_B3N_123_The_worst_F*ing_Noob_on_the_server xD
do u get alot of money being a guard? xD
Cyp nice bunny :D
maybe, xD
Farid, can u just see me on opPrison and take Screenshots and go on to skyblock after and take screen shots?Because whenever I Take screenshots...
Am I a Creeper or a Kreeper?
Oops my ign is xTHEKREEPERx
On all of the mineverse servers, disincluding Prison and OpPrison im an MVP still when I got Elite. A randon person bought me MVP again so now I...
what does that mean
Im on Op prison atm
Ill try re-logging :D and ill meet you on opprison ASAP not really because im gonna stay on for another hour, so u can meet within an hour but...
The servers down right now
Can i just upload the one with me on skyblock that im MVP and elite on opprison?
I tried uploading pics but idk how Can u just meet me on Opprison? and then skyblock?
of which one? the one with me elite? or the one with me MVP and Elite on opprison?
If cypriot or Noobcrew see me, can you please reset me to help me? someone bought me MVP when I was Elite but im still elite on Opprison but...
MaxNinja can u unban me?
1.In-game name:THEKREEPERx 2.Full exact ban message:Any mods or cyp and noobcrew can un-ban me plz? 3. game mode banned on:Survival 4. Did you...
I love pickachu