but its kind of an emergency. its been like that for about a week and pvpers go there to safezome when they're defenceless or about to die
nobody replied -.- @CypriotMerks @Noobcrew
IF you read the title, you probably know what help im requesting. When im pvping, im about to kill a noob but they safezone past the red line. If...
melgrath, whats your ign?
:DDDDDD im an active member
OMG go on Opfactions, theres a gspawn griefer with extreme hacks called _DragonFly__
SuperNerd quit
XD lol ive seen that before
Whats ur ign, if ive seen u pvp before then id probably say its 5-8 :P
Omg lol ur not on opfacs atm
Wanna see if u are 9/10? 1v1 me. I usually tp to eggj because im bored :P
whats a ping Im pretty sure EggJ is 2x beter than _MEGA_COOKIE_ even though _MEGA_COOKIE_ hacks
I still think ur around 7/10 to 5/10
ur not on atm
-.- i havent seen u in global chat that much
I think im 9/10. Many players ive met die right in front of me and some petty op people that are on /mctop swords (etc) say im really good at pvp...
Whats ur ign then? im guessing ive never seen u
:D today i just took out like 3 diamond people withouth full diamond armor on KitPvp withouth dying :D
i dont think ur 9/10 ive never seen u on opfacs
I think hes 5/10