Idk. A mod told me not to do it.
Recognized can you check my ban appeal? pl0x
@CypriotMerks I would also like to suggest a new rule. You cannot do /minecraft:me or /bukkit:me
Followed U <3 max4mod!
STOP STOP I'm gonna pee! xDD
np MaxNinja, ill try to uload a pic of ppl supporting you on opfacs :>
No Support, you havent been a kind and responsible moderator. Hellblock doesnt really need another moderator. Reason: On hellblock, thers only...
Support 100% :D Max4mod I think Maxninja10 should get a second chance because people make mistakes in life and sometimes cant fix it. and Im...
Morgan4Mod <3 Support
My Unarmed is 2 higher than urs :DDDDD <3333
What servers do u play the most? I havent seen u in like 2 months xD
omfg. ur 28 :OOOOO im 9
OMFG lmfao stop the bumps
Support :P good luck. CypriotMerks and Noobcrew get to decide
How Old Are you?9 years old.(It may see small but im more mature than most 9 year olds)(Not to brag :<) Your In-Game name?xTHEKREEPERx What...
;-;, Proskillz, I feel bad. Everyone said nosuport XD. good luck on being Mod O_O