You made me feel sad for saying I was rude, but after reading your application I liked it so support. :)
Yeah Iv'e seen you around, your not that new but welcome. :)
Support you were a great mod Alex
[IMG] Is this what you thought was rude because it didn't cause a flame war.
1. I said last comment because I saw you asking fryzigg if you could close the thread. 2. @extreme_ is your alt account so no need to get over...
Support it looks good. :)
Optic Gaming is the life I HAVE CHOSE.
and stop supporting yourself on your alt account @extreme_
Last comment before this gets closed :P
It's simple what I'm applying for, moderator but just on forums.. not in game.
Edit: added more info
Close it please, thanks Prin
Does ur son play MC?
aww that sucks :/
I'd be surprised if there isn't already a thread on this, but my suggestion is to add "Forum moderator" which can do the same as a normal...
I'm surprised you saw that xD I changed it to see what it looked like but yeah I already changed it back to what it originally was, where do you...
Moderator on the forum is what I'm going for :) Thanks Arthur :) okay thanks griggsf I'll try sRm