@Elrak it's a imposter.
was last seen viewing @kitkat6605910
You might as well close your app buddy. Also may I interest you in taking anger management classes? [IMG]
yeah that's probably the best answer you could have given me. Lol
[IMG] Why would we want someone on this server who will have the perms to ban people. And acts like this, when they get upset.
your gonna get warning points now
1. blaalaala 2. blalalala 3. blalalala 4. Cursing [IMG] @FakeASmile
I give up on applying, there's too many new people who think they know it all. Please close this thanks Staff team.
Thanks for your feedback, except I'm on the forums everyday and what would you know about me knowing the rules..
Stop reading mod apps and come back
you being banned makes me remember the old days when I would do anything to try and get you banned. But now that I don't dislike you any more......
Good bye Prin, such a shame to see you go. You were a fantastic moderator and I don't think I'm the only one who agrees with that.
I don't play prison any more, but I remember when I did play I worked so damn hard to get [Free] rank and that's only free rank.. look at...
Thanks everyone