Your ingame name:Jayfeather73 The offender's exact ingame name:Hoowl A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Npc hacking, near...
Your ingame name:Jayfeather73 The offender's exact ingame name:AKAPrestonPlayz A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Npc hacking...
Your ingame name:Jayfeather73 The offender's exact ingame name: prof_prodigy A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Npc/lagback...
Would you please lock this thread, it's been resolved. @Nanurz @Jhow @Dyna_Mighty @BlackZone
Thanks! :3
Your ingame name:Jayfeather73 The offender's exact ingame name:pandasLoveMC_ A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it:Seems like...
Title states question.
This person is having trouble getting to 12, he shift-right clicks the clock on the sign but it won't work. He really want's to get back to XII...
Hai :3
2 mods idk who to listen to >.<
I have a witherskull aquired from someone for 100bil, is this item illegal to have? If so I will burn it in my trash can.The person I aquired it...
Happy Birthday :)
I'll watch them :)
I've been busy but I'm going to be on here much more now :)
That's saddening, you were a great mod, hope you reapply in the future!
I'm addicted to subnautica right now. :P
Thank you! :)
Thx! <3