I feel that this is private and i should not show my Subscribers as there are some of my friends voices in it
My Ign : zStrafes_ Offender Ign : Wave_X Offence Broke : Spamming Out Evidence : [MEDIA]
My Ign : zStrafes_ Well In The Video My Name Is RazerSole But If U NameMc Me Its Gone Show That Both Of The Names Are The Same Person. I Hope...
My Ign : zStrafes_ Offender Ign : Oh59 Offence Broke : Hacking He said that he can defeat the best clan in kitpvp which is called M@fia. But he...
Thank You For A Application But We Are looking For Some Titans n Gods In Our Clan.Sadly we have to reject u Sorry
Thank You For Your Application & You Have Been Accepted To The Clan. You Will Be A Member in the clan
No Sorry Its is Because the most of team disagree that u should be in the clan
Thank You For Your Application But Unforturnately Ur not accepted to the clan Sorry
IGN: Unpredictable_ Are you teamed with some / all of the players in the clan? If so name them: Pretty Much Everyone except LocalRacist Who Don't...
My Ign : Unpredictable_ Offender Ign : SpeedyFruit Offence Broke : Hacking Evidence : [MEDIA]
My Ign : Unpredictable_ Offender Ign : BailzPvP Offence Broke : Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA]
My Ign : Unpredictable_ Offender Ign : Penzumi Offence Broke : Hacking Evidence : [MEDIA]
lel rip]
My Ign : Unpredictable_ Offender Ign : NeonzIQ Offence Broke : Dox/Ddos Threat Evidence : [ATTACH]
My Ign : Unpredictable_ Offender Ign : CraftyMike01 Offence Broke : Hacking Evidence : [MEDIA]
My Ign : Unpredictable_ Offender Ign : aniroar & LudvigOskar Offence Broke : Hacking Evidence : [MEDIA]
Support. If they want complete reset they should reset everyone items , not like some people got reset and some didnt. Its so unfair for those who...