Anyone up for making a new clan in kit pvp??
Application Form : 1.Ign: ScarletSpeedzter 2.How old are you?: 13 3.From 1 - 10 how good are u in pvp?: Around an 8 4.Do u have a rank? If yes,...
Why would you report me -_-
i dont... ????
Hey, so I came across a player named LJEZ after I reported him here:...
how long till i know If i am accepted or not?
Thx for responding :D
Hi, so I was playing kit pvp and I was pvping players and came across a guy called LJEZ My IGN: ScarletSpeedzter Other players IGN: LJEZ Rule...
My Ign : ScarletSpeedzter Age: I am currently 13. How good am i in PvP 1-10 : Probably around 8 Rank: Premium Skype: Tell you in game. I have lots...
look at ur pic
Btw even tho he has god rank doesn't mean you shouldn't ban him.
Hello! I am here to inform you about a scammer in kit pvp who scammed one of my friends. He couldn't report him as he didn't have an account so he...
I lost the /kit commander I can't use it anymore.
Hey, so I saw this guy hacking and then later on he stopped. I was able to screenshot this image of the chat where he said "I used to hack" which...
IGN: ScarletSpeedzter Server: Kit PVP Hey so recently about a week ago I bought a rank (premium) on kit pvp. Before that I had commander rank and...