No support. You are immature disagreeing with constructive criticism. That person only wanted to help you :/
Needs colour.
If you're happy to correct my spelling why don't you correct your own instead of ignoring my advice?
I like the way you add extra info about your self. I think if Cyp found you as a decent future mod, I think he would of already chosen you by now.
Plenty of room for improvement here. Grammar Info No support. Good luck though.
The more information on anything... will make it more better.
Support :)
Don't say anything bad about the community... they hear everything :link:
Welcome :)
Bullying will always exist and continue forever. You're gonna have to move on in life or just ignore it, because if you don't, you're are only...
Support. I think 180 points is crazy.
You seem to space your paragraphs between huge spaces to try and hide how much you've actually done. Presentation is just... horrible, sorry. I...
Why isn't this guy promoted yet? Geez
The presentation is amazing and original. But I've never seen you once on the forums. This doesn't show me and dedication to the server. But good...
I suggest you look at some better and more successful applications for example, so you get the idea of the expectations of what a real applicant...
"Hold back"? You need to listen and take constructive advice and fix it, or close the application.
I think it's just unnecessary that you people need speak these things to feed of your own pleasure. If you beat them then maybe go "Gg" being...