So basically, before Towny was down a couple days ago, I had the 'King' rank, and there were signs at spawn to fix ranks. I clicked the merchant...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: Sxpr Offense: IP Logging. Evidence: Pretty sure...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Player's IGN: DrinkFabweeze Offense: Death Threats? Evidence:
Does anyone have any info on why Towny is down, or when it will be back up? Is it gonna reset, or are items gonna be returned to the people who...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Players IGN: OneArmedQueen Offense: Hacking (SmoothAim/Triggerbot) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Players IGN: Dillon292 Offense: Hacking (Anti KB/No Slowdown/Kill Aura) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Players IGN: WildFang_ Offense: Hacking (Gap Hitting/Triggerbot/Autoclicker) Evidence: [MEDIA] At around 12...
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Players IGN: ktmnicke595 Offense: Hacking (Triggerbot/Autoclicker) Evidence: [MEDIA]
My IGN: AimbotStrafez Reported Players IGN: GhostVape Offense: Hacking Evidence: [MEDIA] Obvious toggles at 21 seconds in. (Headsnapped)...