YO its Aj here I'm kinda new to Mineverse. I have been playing for 2 months on prison and OP. More prison lately. I have made enemies and friends...
Your ingame name: Ajnh17113 The offender's ingame name: A description of what rule they broke/how they broke...
I'm selling 10$ (if i can if not please tell me mods) for ingame money on prison. I can buy ranks, Optifine capes. please post what u want and...
2 bumbs ina row :P
support in neon flashing lights my man
Much Support i'm amazed u aren't guard already?? ;) I'm sure u'll make it doe
LOL thats kinda true doe :*(
okay i will face consequences and i hope no ban will happen i can deal with a mute for a days at most if such actions are necessary. :( i'm sorry....
make a conversation with him
U sir scam
I'm am always adding according to the communities liking
i did just now Thank u
bump plz
ah okay den minus dat den :D
I'm am getting increasingly fed up with hackers like Unique and others killing me i grind to get those items while some hacker kills me with his...
don't have it anymore some other guy DDOSed me and i died with it
YASSSSSSSSSS Support in flashing pink lights
welp gotta get the lube ready :t: jk naw
if ur from under the bed would u grab out and touch my ankle if i happend to sit up??