i know but maybe they could stand up a little and not fly up??? And it's not a challenge to kill em on the ground but a challenge to get them there
not u running away from me
but i want ur gear :/
most mods in Prison run from me and others when we go into the pvp for example chloybear today flew all the way up to the top once she/he saw me...
Prison mods run like hell all the time :/
plz make the answer to questions text one color i think it makes it much easier to read :D
stupid auto correct uhhhh btw that^^^ needs to be e umlaut
Nice app plz add more detail on honesty like bringing examples and overall more detail. but gg support coming from here. Und du sprechts deutsch??
Lock plz @ScoFu13
fixed it :/
Recently i have my minecraft has crashed alot. it has run out of memory and i can't seem to allocate more even though i am running 64bit OS. I...
ily we gota pwn n00bs in D block
Hello my ingame name is ajnh17113 and i'm Vip Ingame. This thread is about trading ingame Prison money for rank Upgrades. I am offering 350k for...
oh well i'm retarded :P
NUUUU dunt go plz ily
Why all the hate plz be respectful :/
OMG nuuu 1