then why is there like 5 threads that are about account trading and look a little around search like Buy minecraft accounts and you see like 30...
nawm8 i didnt glitch and there was a glitch wow didnt know
Topmass2 why is there like 5 threads about selling MC accounts then?
ah ok sorry for posting
I am selling MC accounts 10$ PM if interested
i can sell u some accounts
i can sell u accounts but not a card soz
i might not sure yet
support The server makes alot bro like a hell of a lot of money
so do i :/
why is it not here yet :L:mad:
MCnerd why cant we be friends? idk why
1v1 me m8 kohi or badlion gapple?
My idea is kit EXP (you get it from voting kinda like tempest) and it contains a stack of EXP bottles or so and you get it every 1 hour (could be...
to do that u need like at least 2 people who will pot up with regens :/ +Kitpvp will always have hackers as stated by pile so i think we should...
bro u havent stepped up to samuel and i. we literally have a dub or 2 full of axes like 3 dubs of swords and 5 dubs of p4 unbreak 3
u forgot me on Prison
ur bad i rekt u today and u healed whilst i didnt use anything Kitpvp: Krishy,MCnerd,PVP_Forever, @samuelgamer123 and maybe hider21
u can change password :?
So is Mineverse. Technically, It's violating EULA