So far for the few Sry, some i had to rush x3 The others in ether starting or finishing xD Sry about the wait ;^; @Valixta @Billy_Wolf...
What mask is that xD? I dont know what to draw it like ;s Is it like a skyrim helmet?
0.0 i think drawing kirito from SAO is going to be impossible... but dam i wanna so bad xD (i drew a pic i saw and is so khwaii so after i draw...
okie gotcha i so called it xD my friend was like .its shorts! its shorts!
Dude love this anime but do you have a certain pic? x3
OK FIRST what is the dark grey short or skirt thing? xD second is that a jumper like Christmas jumper? Third is your hair grey or blond .-. xD (im...
Omg im soo sorry i have drawn yours like 4 times but it turns out so crap xDima still do it it just may take a while.
do you have a pic i can work with?
Sry i messed up a little xD[ATTACH]
So proud of this xD Lucky ive drawn this guy like millions of times x3 (fan) i feel like the arms are a bit[ATTACH] big doe lol xp
Its already in anime x3
Sry ima hungry and rushed it x3 this was more a test of colour sry ;///[ATTACH]
could you give me a pic or something so i can see what to actually draw x3
Sry this didn't go the way i hoped ;c the head is wrong and eyes, not to mention the head band ;'( sry[ATTACH]
I feel you bro, i was searching for so long and i found Paint tool SAI or get Photoshop but mines messed up for some reason. I say SAI is better ;p
Kk :p its gunna be tomorrow when i can do it as i have school so i gotta sleep as its getting late
Of your mc skin ye?