Uhm. @Firo @ImTopmass
I'm confuzzled
@Firo @ImTopmass @Taylor @larrythebird101 @anyone else I forgot ;-;
bye bye :c
1. Name (totally optional) Jennifer but everyone calls me Jennie. 2. Favorite Food Pasta :D 3. Favorite Game Chess. (Ima dork cx) 4. Favorite...
oh. I thought we had something. I guess all that stalking meant nothing to you :baw: ... :t: <3 oh and @Firo3000 Don't tell him though c;
Happy New Years <3
I Fangirl over gay people & cookies c: Plus I let @Firo3000 Stalk me :t OOOH and when I draw I sometimes stare at the paper and blank out and...
Ily And @Firo3000 @mindsensation @SkyttlesOG @salamander9o @Gemmalove
Ew u. HAI hi
Hey ^.^ Greetings, Stranger c: