Its also good to see you active on the forums!
Sorry, No support only 6 post and also, Not enough detail that went into the application
I'm gonna go neutral man i wish you luck!
Neutral, Be more active on forums and in-game . Also I suggest you change the color to it to make it more easier to read
Ight man good luck man you got my support Also its good to see you active!
No support because that you dont follow the template and also you dont reach the requirements man you need 50 post sorry
Your welcome its also good to see you active on the forums I have 1 question? Are you team valor on Pokemon go?
Your welcome its good to see that your active on the forums also!
I will supporty you after you get the 2FA enabled man
Soo is this bannable or what is gonna happen to the person/ and my brother?
First off all, You mentioned was you live in Canada all your life you never mentioned the timezone you never listed why you wanted to me a mod and...
I support you man I hope you get mod and help improve the server as much as you can!
i support you to man looks like you might be a new mod i wish you luck man i hope you will be a good mod and stop all the hackers :) Congratz man!
Did he really get banned for what???
No support Sorry man It seems from what i have looked at you dont have good grammer :(
No support Sorry man but you didnt follow the template and Didnt list some things mentioned in the template
Sorry no support. - You don't meet the requirements (Only 16 post) - You're immature - Never seen on the server befor :( Sorry man
Thanks man im trying to become a mod and im trying to help out with the hackers as much as i can for right now till and if i become a mod! But...
Your ingame name: Swagdog581 The offender's exact ingame name: ShayPayLay A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Scammed my bro...
Hey well if you can get on for even 2 hours a day while you have school it would still be good just watch all the servers for hackers and stuff...