My IGN: WolfWhispers Their IGN: bluejayjensen Spamming and advertising Screenshots:[ATTACH]
My forums name: WolfWhispers Their forums name: WolfWhispers Description: Rate abuse on @thorraks [ATTACH]
I'm trying to prove to @Madii that she's a pretty amazing person so basically just take a vote in the poll, ty. Edit: Her vote doesn't count
My IGN: WolfWhispers Their IGN: 06zander Spamming and advertising [ATTACH]
Ratings farming and abuse of the ratings system will result in a removal of all ratings given to the afflicted users, removal of all accumulated...
Their name: @Nicosonic12345 My name: @WolfWhisperer Description: As you can see, this person was rate abusing @Zombie__Creed4MOD as well as...
Please enjoy this video made with @anna , you peasants. [MEDIA] Anna starring at Otto. Savannah starring as Ottana.
Enjoy, you peasants. [MEDIA] Yes, I got quite bored. D: @anna
I wanted to suggest that when you win a game of skywars, that you'd get like 3 skybucks in return (or something like that). As of right now, you...
I know this idea was already suggested by @javid1234b and other people, but I felt like it should be considered. I think that roleplay, sex...
My IGN: WolfWhispers Their IGN: joas9 He has obvious kill aura. Video: [MEDIA]
I get really bored and make songs with note blocks. When I finish them, I'll post them to this thread. Radioactive - Imagine Dragons [MEDIA]
My IGN: WolfWhispers Their IGN: BEAST_GAMER1 Description: Kill aura and anti kb Video proof: [MEDIA] Thanks :D
My IGN: WolfWhispers Their IGN: Dark_Monster11 Spamming and advertising another server.
[IMG] Intro Hey Mineverse! I'm Savannah, or WolfWhispers/many other names. I decided to try and apply for moderator here on Mineverse because I...
Ok you already know what to do, just ask any question(s) and I'll try to answer them. I'm going to use Vocaroo to reply even though my voice...
Everyone is making these so yah. Just comment some random comment below and I'll give my honest opinion about you. <3
My IGN: StuffinMahMuffin Their IGN: U_SHALL_DIE_59 Description: It's kill aura Video: [MEDIA]
Well here's you just a simply tutorial on how to be the next professional athlete in Minecraft. (ft. @BurningDesire ) [MEDIA]