IGN: monsterious23 Hacking [MEDIA]
I would like a "desperate" rating to be added. It would be neutral. Symbol suggestion: :sob:
IGN: PedroFoPresidant Hacking, look @ 00:39 for the most obvious part [MEDIA]
(I stole this idea) So, someone posts something they have or something they're happy about, and then the person below ruins it, and posts...
What do you think the person that posted above you is known for? :cool:
IGN: McDonald9527 Kill Aura/Anti-kb [MEDIA]
IGN: ExpiredOG Kill Aura [MEDIA]
@Clxrity is dating her first cousin
Just post below what thing has hurt you the most physically. (Not emotionally) One time, I got this horrible sunburn & I was unable to do...
Hello! I'm here, creating another thread on trendverse.net. Comment below to discover what my first impression of you was.
This is my totally original idea. Just comment!
Credit to @Exstatisfy for starting this http://www.quizyourfriends.com/take-quiz.php?id=1604112256451812&lnk& Btw my favorite color is blue but I...
The title explains it. It's annoying to have hunger while doing parkour & it often effects the ability to sprint.
IGN: Nanicoles Advertising a server IP [ATTACH]
Comment if you want my opinion of you
Simple suggestion; Instead of having to do /warp (#) every time you die, it'd be nice to automatically spawn on the floor that you are currently...
I think it would be cool to have a live chat on the forums. Instead of starting a forum conversation when you're bored, you can just go to the...
Please allow donors to have //copy and //paste when they vote for world edit on creative. I know that this would be very useful, especially when...