Bubbleman from Megaman Battle Network 3 would like to meet you.
or was it dewbious
You stole fishlips' old pfp why you do dis?
I flipped a coin and it said i was married to john cena
1. XxN1TR0xFUS1ONS 2. @TheNitroMatrix 3. Becuz i luv grumpycet 4. Grumpy cat is grumpy because she is always hunger and it makes her 'hangry'...
friends siblings etc or me. I want titan :>
Please change your profile picture ;--;
They made 'ari' a bad word due to a popular server called McAri. And what is going on with kit skyks;}'ht? SUPPORT!!
A girl who likes to watch such of my fav tv shows: Yo-Kai Watch Gravity Falls Likes mega man battle network has a 2Ds ;-;
...This game is demonic it gave me nightmares oh god why ;-;
Prison- grind your unarmed then disarm a pro's op weapon then give it back to him for a pricey amt If he drops a sharp 5 axe ask him for 25-30k....
no support reasons stated above jk support
no the lie is 3 i have a samsung, honors LA and math but i got a 'C' on my exponents test.. Your lie is #3 I'd say 3 is the lie 1. likes to eat...
nice pfp
Errm neutral
i know The mods need to fix the following maps- Nuketown Desert Winter
What about blockglitching inside the tank of Metropolis? Zombies can still hit you though. Otherwise support