Rastas pman6 toggles+reach [MEDIA]
happy late birthday!
Rastas 38Alma Reach/Toggles - You can see it in the beginning. Look closely at his head as well. [MEDIA]
Rastas DaddyRahzy Toggles - You can see his head twitching in the beginning. He's hitting me while facing the wrong way. [MEDIA]
Rastas aac_2015 Hacks/Antiknockback [MEDIA]
Rastas CatTahmeed Rudeness towards other players [IMG]
Rastas TheNiceRattler Toggling/Reach - If you look at the video closely, you can see his reach is way off and if you look you can see how he can...
Rastas ShrimezPvp Toggling [MEDIA]
Rastas xSuarPvpx Aimbot/Toggles - ~If you look closely after the moment he broke his helm and boots, you can see the head twitching and the swords...
not mine
AimbotStrafez Rastas Glitch Scamming. They found a glitch where you can /ah regular diamond tools and make it look like its eff10 on /ah. I...
CatTahmeed Rastas Ddos Threats [IMG]
can i be ur otp
u make no sense
rastas furtives death threats/ddos threats [IMG] [IMG]
cause thats why ^ ): plus i dont have anything to contact u you dumb pug
but i cant
ok im committing if i cant talk to you bye
cause best fran <3