whoever that is vvvvv is a furry
nm g, add me on discord #vin7905
whats up been a while
lmao dead
Rastas ben1020 Death Threats [IMG]
Not like people actually read these things, but the word count really annoys me. As I write this, i watch the word count go down, and it's
Rastas Faikrsdaddy Closet Cheating [Watch 1:08] [MEDIA]
Rastas Insulers Closet Cheating [MEDIA]
I literally grabbed the video from my folder where all the recorded videos go and uploaded it.
This is the raw footage. None of it has been edited out? I can give you proof that it is.
Do you mind slowing it down? All you have to do is download the youtube video online. If i slow it down, i'll have to upload it again for the...
Thats the normal speed. It just looks sped up because I play on Hyperspeed sensitivity + Quake fov.
Rastas Insulers Closet Cheating [MEDIA] - Watch closely throughout the video. You can also see blatant reach at 1;50 and his head snaps.
Rastas Xelped Hacking - 0:10 you can see him looking the other way while still giving damage. [MEDIA]
Rastas WildFangV1 Advertising [IMG]
Lionbdcraft Byth + Awesomeman190 Spamming out in kit2 / Cheats So apparently, this hacker in this video /tpahere'd Byth into the rainbow hole in...
Wow, been 21 hours and still haven't dealt with this.