The peeps from MC Ari use bots to advertise their server. If you don't want their spam just /ignore them
No support. -I can't understand your replies (Ik zeg toch ik maak grapjes, jij weet zelf ook wel dat ik deed alsof ik niks wist dus niet doen...
15 followers! #RoadToWellKnown :D
Uhm.... Tbh I didn't really help built this. Also I cannot give my full support. The map is way to small and there really is no hiding places....
I'm in a clan atm, but if even I wanted to join, I wouldn't. I don't give out my skype to people I do not know IRL. I do NOT want to get DDoS'd
Support. I would play this. I would play this a lot.
You theif... :l
Every 60 seconds, a minute passes in Africa. #StopTheMinutes
Right now it's 8:50
I can't can you play at 6 PM?
I play in EST
I can only play 1-3 hours weekdays due to school work. :p But other than that I'm pretty active.
yush. Thanks. Hope to see you guys on sometimes.
In-game name? xXxSnowWolfxXx Scale of 1-10 how good are you? 7-8 (I wouldn't say anything higher than 8 tbh >_<) Do you use P4 only? I have a...
Thank you! :)