Hi. I'm back. I won't be as active as I used to be, but I'm back. I don't know how long I'll be staying. School has been real rough on me so, I...
Bye ;C Bui Bye Bye. Yes I am. Goodbye :( Bye :(
Bye Van, If you're feeling some UHC hook me up ;) Bai <3 Bye and thanks! Bye :) kbai Bye ;(
No support, i rekt u so hard mineplex u nub omg i no scope u liek all day son u nub lool jkjkjkjkjkjk support dun hurt me
Yup. I'm leaving. It's been 2 years since I've first set foot on Mineverse, I think that is long enough. I just want to say thanks so much to...
Yes and No. I personally feel that looks do not matter. If someone were smart, kind and funny, I would fall for them any day. But, Looks DO...
Sorry if I haven't been to active the past couple of days. I've been busy with life.
Duh herro
I want 575 for that.
Your ingame name: xXxSnowWolfxXx The offender's ingame name: Mastertuckerks A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it: Swearing/...
Your ingame name: xXxSnowWolfxXx The offender's ingame name: cooljjack A description of what rule they broke/how they broke it Scamming. He...
My IGN is xXxSnowWolfxXx have you not remembered?
Am I not a member anymore? :I
alright meet me on kitpvp\
200k on opfactions
What gm's?