Greetings, Since last night, it appears that voter keys are not working properly on the voter chest at spawn. I though perhaps it would resolve...
Greetings! I thought I would post a fun question for the community to respond to as the forums appear a bit slow today. The questions is this......
Greetings, The player listed above has been spamming cuss words and just spamming in general for the last 15 minutes or so at the time of...
Good Evening, I have been having lots of fun on the skyblock server and thought I would share my progress on the island as of tonight! The goal...
Greetings, The player in the title has been spamming on the server this evening substantially. The below album contains screenshots of the...
Greetings, There is really not a ton of point for this post other than I found some old screenshots and wanted to share them with the community....
Good Day, The player KyGaminG has set up a death warp under /warp minishop and /warp KatShop. Below are links showing where minishop brings you...
Good Day, I come bringing an idea that a few other servers have introduced, which I feel could greatly improve overall gameplay. Issue: There is...
Good Evening! I just wanted to follow up on a recent report. The player "PaperBatMan" recently was involved in a deathwarp. the report was closed...
Good Afternoon, chrisandjosh has been a consistent offender over the last few days in terms of spamming chat. It appears he is unable to put just...
Good morning, Very similar to the port I did just a moment ago, this player was spamming for a deathwarp on their island that dropped players...
Good Morning, MijnKoning has been spamming for his deathwarp this morning. I have attached the below album highlighting his spam and the warp...
Good evening, I have another player spamming for a warp they created which was a death warp. Not only this, but if a player like a [God] tried to...
On my way over to a buddies house so keeping this brief. See the screenshots, but this is the same deathwarp I reported earlier that AAC2003 (or...
Good Afternoon, I have another player who has been consistently spamming over the last hour or so. The content changes slightly, but the below...
Good Afternoon, While he did not create the warp, he was spamming for it in chat far after knowing it was a death warp. There were a number of...
Good Afternoon, today chat was taken over for about 15-20 minutes by a group of donors sending fake messages to look like they had come from the...
Same as the 3 in my other post, this appears to be a member of their group. See the below screenshot. Thanks....
Good Afternoon, I haven't been on as much today so alas this is my first report but it is for three players. ZephPotato96 Bossegamer SmashGuy10...
Good Day, I asked the player to stop again today after numerous spams. As always, screenshots are below. Regards, Melgrath