After the recent update to 1.8, there are some items over on Skyblock that are not working as they were before the patch. I would simply like to...
Good Day, I have noticed there seem to be an abundance of Moderator applications, but the overall content of most of them is a bit lacking. I...
Good Day, The above player has been spamming a number of different messages despite the server's request that he stop. I thought I would relay...
Good Day, The player above is spamming quite literally non-stop. They have basically stopped all chat on the server for anyone who has not...
Good Morning, This morning, the player above has been constantly spamming chat. He has been asked by numerous players, numerous times to stop....
Good Day, The voter crate for skyblock appears to be out of order. The video below shows the issue and error that players are receiving. [media]...
Good Day, The player in the title was spamming for a deathwarp on their island. The video and imgur for the incident is below....
Good Day, The above player was caught spamming for a deathwarp and trying to dupe players to come there. Of course, they were at the bottom of...
Good Day, The below link has a video of the mentioned player spamming for a deathwarp and of course there to try to collect items. [media] Any...
Good Day, The player above has been spamming for money on kitpvp while on skyblock. I don't care about the content, but he fills chat with it. I...
Good Morning, The players in the thread title were spamming for a deathwarp that dropped players and were subsequently gathering any items they...
Hey Guys, I was playing around with a map idea for infection and wanted to get some feedback. The basic premise is that the zombies are storming...
Good Evening, I am honestly not sure if this violates any rules per se, but it was in extremely poor taste. As you can see in the below album,...
Good Evening, I have an interesting one for you this evening. The player in the title was spamming for the ability to sell diamonds for $750 at...
Good Evening, The player in the thread title has been spamming his warp excessively over the past hour or so. I have warned him a few times to...
Good Afternoon, I wish to report the above player for spamming for another server. Evidence of his spam is below.
Good Day, Kospike advertised a drop deathwarp that resulted in a number of players dieing. The album below shows him advertising it, then the...
Good Morning, Lukaskal has been spamming for his warp this morning. In doing so, he will spam the same message approximately 20 times in 20...
Good Evening, I wanted to pass along the below album of a player who has over the last day or two been advertising for another server. I was...
Good Afternoon, I am writing as my other post in "Help" may have been the wrong venue. the voter key crate on skyblock has been broken for...