oh its worse behind the screen
thanks for ur service
No support, reasons stated above (being toxic, etc) In addition, I have not seen you on forums besides just now. Get to know the forums a little...
Welcome! I've seen you on SB c:
when an alex skin wins
cool bean
Late gratz on five months <3 love u!
-my dad is an architect -my fav color is mint green and pastel blue too -i love animals too -i am thin and dont put on weight either :o
idk but some years ago i didnt really have a costume so i threw on a red sparkly cape and a jean dress and voila i became little red riding hood...
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <33333333333333333
says u what i posted was literally a joke ThEsE KIds cANt tAkE a JOkE im ACTualLY DoNE good riddance
no support dont unban
oh my goodness im in love i swear dogs like this i love sooo much they are so cute and they help so much they save lives and AHH i love them...
pretty hair