glad you're back!!!!
or i think the post is funny lol
joking, have a great day
hbd i guess....
you raise me up, so i can stand on mountains ♡
im worried lol
sorry sir
@Pile will be missed. however, it seems like a good idea to promote either @kinsey_kid or one of the senior moderators. i think @Janice999 would...
oh my gosh i never believed this would happen. thank you so much for your service. you helped this server in SO many ways the list goes on and on....
ty ive wanted it so long!
banned for having a bad reason to ban
banned for being a goat
Bay_Leaf can i have a pumpkin mask? tysm <3
tysm @Pile
banned for being the 6131st person to post
banned for having a goat pfp
oh dangit
banned for complimenting me ty tho
aww two years congrats <33