"Ik I am amazing"
Thanksgiving v2
Happy late 116th birthday..
You forgot to mention the part about it being a false ban.. Because we all know it was me shhh
Click baitttt.. In a way.... I made mine in like 5 minutes lol
You have my unneeded support :p
Use this forum to report a player for breaking any rule. Please include: Your ingame name: Istealyourkill The offender's exact ingame name:...
Support for all except maybe 1.11 for pvp because not only hit detection and hit delay is changed, but there is something weird with the bow...
Finally somebody understands
Who is this Jose person? Is he cooler than Genji too? ;p
Junkrat is so annoying with that wheel thing.. As for Hanzo he's cooler than Genji.
But Hanzo..
Why Genji
Aww no kits? [SPOILER]
Since I turned salty
Bump ;)