Prison: Considering you get 5k from a vote and(when voter crates work again) you'll get 5k from vote keys/vote parties I don't think this is that...
Rate abuse+necroposting aren't really that much of a problem anymore, but support :).
Usually if your render goes past 6+ it's like this. (Tested with Optifine)
Yes, I know, I'm saying for people posting here this isn't a thread for name change loss.
Just to clarify, there's a seperate thread I made for ranks lost due to name changes.
Cyp essentially doesn't "pick" who's promoted, ScoFu recommends people because he is active in game and Cyp can't be, lately Sco's recommendations...
Hope to see you around other servers, until then, goodbye.
Welcome back and nice to see you on the forums :)
They're working on it, there are currently a lot of things to be dealt with and yes, this is high priority on the list. There is a thread I made...
Apparently you don't spend 6 minutes moderating a server you APPLIED for. You're talking down to Ducky like he's being less mature than you are,...
His excuse previously for being inactive was "Just fixed my MC"(Was inactive for 3 weeks), it's ridiculous, clearly a lie.
Yeah, went on there and checked myself.
Any proof of what server this is on? He's Moderator on Factions and Survival. Oh look; Factions- Survival-...
Everyone complained about 1.6, everyone complained about 1.7, yet Mojang continued to make the next updates worse than the last *claps*
lov mi?
Toob be ragin' on the XBawks
Abuse*, not abused. Eongod is a scammer that's quite "known" on the server for scamming kitpvp money, he'd just show fake proof and get money from...
Good thing Eongod is banned, he'd abuse the f*ck out of this.
No support.. unfortunately I would support, but seeing as you already are a Support lead on one server and a Helper on another(Including the...