Gonna rock this F13 purge style.
Zambiana got Mod when he was "New Member", your argument is not wanted. Btw, at the start you said you can't gravedig, but things that you can...
Hopefully you can be more active, if not, not exactly liking this new promotion.
Just post the screenshot here.
Server wasn't up in 2010.
Most likely another 1.8 bug.
@PandaBear__ please lock.
Please refrain from getting into fights on my application, if you wish to say something to him say it privately, this thread is just about me...
Lmao. Welcome back I guess.
I'm not saying give them game breaking commands, hell, not even saying you should give them much more, but for the amount of activity that Cyp has...
and tbh I think the staff need to be looked a little more into, promote new ones, maybe give trusted current staff more perms to help actually FIX...
Yin bb <3 hi
I think this is a bit creepier..
The person I'm dating *Mind blown*
Too much of it goes unseen, especially with the loss of Moderators+some mods being less active.
Nice try.
His choice to be rude about this, just try not to feed the trolls, they only come back for more.
I believe Ninja had an old vid of you being raided, including you talking in chat EDIT: here you go...
Tbh thinking it over the role of Forum Mod seems rather useless, part of your argument is that you need to handle the help threads more.... but...
I don't much care for people telling me what I can and cannot do, past forum rules you don't have control over me, I'm simply saying this is...